Proposed change to the date of the first MOT Test
On the 18th January 2023 the Department of Transport launched a public consultation to look at changing the date of the first MOT test. The purpose of the consultation is to seek the views on changing MOTs in light of advances to vehicle technology and growing popularity of hybrids and EVs. The proposals include, changing the date of the first MOT for new vehicles.
For full details go to Changes to the date of the first MOT test and research into other MOT enhancements – GOV.UK (
It has been widely expressed in the press that changing the date of the first MOT to 4yrs option 1 or 5yrs option 2 is a saving for Drivers. Without annual checks, the overall cost of motoring maintenance will in all likelihood increase.
Despite the DfT’s analysis, the proposed date changes would not have an impact on road safety, the AA and the RAC have criticised the proposals. Both organisations have warned extending the time between MOTs would be dangerous and likely put more unroadworthy cars on the road.
Government national average failure statistics record 28% of vehicles currently fail their MOT. One in ten “new” vehicles undergoing their first MOT fail.
In addition to the proposed date changes Dft also outlined other proposed changes and are also seeking views on:
- MOT testing every 2 years rather than every year
- boosting the monitoring of emissions to tackle pollution
- vehicle disassembly during inspection
- battery testing of an electric vehicles
- sharing of manufactures recall on MOT documentation
- measures to reduce the likelihood of mileage fraud
- ways to improve quality and reduce fraud including piloting equipment that automatically photographs the test and identifies the vehicle
- consider the current annual training process to see if it is still fit for purpose
- changes to regime for funding authorisation
- a review of current levels and approaches to enforcement
- consider whether the MOT cap fee should remain a maximum limit or should become a guideline.
- consider whether in the future it will still be appropriate to test roadworthiness periodically based on time (that is anually,) or if another model may be more effective.
- responsibilities for roadworthiness and MOTs with regard to self driving vehicles and no-user-in -charge operators
Electronic responses to this consultation can be made by either:
- responding to the online survey
- emailing your response to
The consultation closes on 28th February 2023