MOT Compliance and Disciplinary Representation

With determination, forensic examination and meticulous application Automotive Auditors :-

    • Introduce comprehensive quality management processes ensuring strict MOT compliance to DVSA standards.
    • Identify internal administrative errors and introduce quality management solutions to prevent further errors
    • Identify potential MOT testing errors and introduce policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the MOT Testing Guide and MOT Inspection Manuals
    • Interrogate Test Quality Reports and MOT Test Logs to identify potential omissions and errors
    • Provide disciplinary representation to MOT Testing Stations and Testers
    • Where necessary make application for Informal Hearing and/or the services of the Parliamentary Ombudsman in defence of Issues relating to Testing Cessation.
    • Make FOIA and Data Protection Applications for disclosure during disciplinary proceedings.


How AAL can Manage and Protect your MOT Vehicle Testing Station